Fișiere Manuale, programe utile și alte fișiere ce v-ar putea interesa
Biblioteca de documente conţine manuale, programe şi alte fişiere ce vă pot ajuta la managementul serviciilor contractate.
HubConnect Server
HubConnect NodeJS websocket proxy server (optional)
HubConnect NodeJS websocket proxy server (optional)
Hubitat Drivers
HubConnect 2.0 Hubitat Drivers
HubConnect 2.0 Hubitat Drivers
SmartThings Drivers
Native DeviceTypes with User Interface for SmartThings
Native DeviceTypes with User Interface for SmartThings
Universal Drivers
Drivers for both Hubitat and SmartThings (without user interface)
Drivers for both Hubitat and SmartThings (without user interface)
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