
The method systemSaveCustomDrivers() is called by the server hub to save custom driver definitions to the Remote Client.  If the remote cannot accept custom driver definitions, it should return an error.

Function systemSaveCustomDrivers
Purpose Saves the custom driver definitions from the server hub.
Parameters None
URL Format /system/drivers/save
HTTP Method POST - Incoming
HTTP Parameters
Name Type Description
List Array Array of custom drivers in key/value pairs.
Name Type Description
(key) String Driver groupname (must be unique).
(value) Object
Name Type Description
driver String Name as it appears in the driver metadata definition.
selector String Unique, random string to use as the sevice selector.
attr List List of objects containing all of the attributes supported by the device, their current value, and unit if applicable.
See getDeviceSync for the format of this list.
Return JSON
Name Type Return Values
status String "success" if the drivers were saved successfully, "false" if they did not.


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