
The method systemGetVersions() is called by the server hub to retrieve the current list of all driver and app versions on the hub running the Remote Client.  At a minimun the client should return information for the client itself.

Function systemGetVersions
Purpose Returns a list of all versions including this remote client and any active/installed drivers on this hub.
Parameters None
URL Format /system/versions/get
HTTP Method GET - Incoming
HTTP Parameters None
Return JSON
Name Type Return Values
(n/a) Object

Object containing lists of objects containing the current versions of each app and driver.

Name Type Description
apps List List of objects containing versions of each app used with this remote.
Name Type Description
appName String Name of the app as defined in the app's metadata.
appVersion Object
Name Descrption
major Major version (i.e. "2")
minor Minor version (i.e. "1")
build Release build (i.e. "3")
platform Valid values: "Hubitat", "SmartThings", "Homebridge"
drivers List List of objects containing versions of each app used with this remote.
Name Type Description
driverName String Name of the driver as defined in the driver's metadata.
driverVersion Object
Name Description
major Major version (i.e. "2")
minor Minor version (i.e. "1")
build Release build (i.e. "3")
platform Valid values: "Hubitat", "SmartThings", "Universal"
  • v2api
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