
The method systemGetTSReport() is called by the server hub to retrieve the current app versions, configuration values, and the current status of the Remote Client.  At a minimun the client should return information for the client itself.

Function systemGetTSReport
Purpose Returns a full report on the current app including configuration and current status of this client.
Parameters None
URL Format /system/versions/get
HTTP Method GET - Incoming
HTTP Parameters None
Return JSON
Name Type Return Values
(n/a) Object

Object containing lists of objects containing the current versions of each app and driver.

Name Type Description
app Object
Name Type Description
appId Integer Unique ID assigned to the app by this hub.
appVersion Object See systemGetVersions for details.
installedVersion Object See systemGetVersions for details.

prefs Object
Name Type Description
thisClientName String Friendly name assigned to this hub.
serverKey String Base64 encoded Connection Key that the server generated.
pushModes Boolean true, if the hub is set to send mode changes to the server, false if not.
pushHSM Boolean true, if the hub is set to send Hubitat Safety Monitor changes to the server, false if not.
enableDebug Boolean true if extendedf debug logging is enabled, false is not.
state Object
Name Type Description
clientURI String Full URI to this clients oAuth endpoint.   (i.e. "") 
connectionType String Communication type. Valid values are: "http", "socket", "proxy"
customDrivers Object See systemSaveCustomDrivers for details.
commDisabled Boolean true if communication is disabled, false if it is active.
devices Object
Name Type Description
incomingDevices Integer Quantity of devices that are incoming to (i.e. shared to) this client.
deviceIdList List List of numerical ID's that are used for to filter incoming messages (websocket/proxy only)
hub Object
Name Type Description
deviceStatus String Status of the remote hub device, if applicable.  Valid values are: "Installed", "Not Installed", or "N/A" if this remote client does not require a hub device.
connectionType String Communication protocol used; valid values are "http", "socket"
eventSocketStatus String Status of the remote hub device websocket, or "N/A" if this remote client does not require a hub device.
hsmStatus String Current arming state of Hubitat Safety Monitor (if applicable).
modeStatus String Active system mode on this remote hub.
presence String Presence status of the remote hub device (if applicable).  Valid values are "present" if the remote hub device is connected or "not present" if it is disconnected, or blank if not applicable.
switch String Communication state of the remote hub device, if applicable.  "on" the remote device is allowed to connect to the server or proxy, or "off" if communications are disabled.
version Object See systemGetVersions for details.
subscribedDevices List List of (Integer) device ID's that the remote hub device is listening to events from.
connectionAttempts Integer The quantity of failed connection attempts to the server hub (or proxy).  Should be 0 if connected.
refreshSocket Boolean true if the websocket is set to re-initialize automatically, false if not.
refreshHour Integer The hour (1-23) where the scheduled websocket refresh is set to occur.
refreshMinute Integer The minute (1-59) where the scheduled websocket refresh is set to occur.
hardwareID String Hardware ID of the hub device where this client is running.
firmwareVersion String The current firmware that this hub device is currently running.
localIP String The local IP address that this hub is configured and responding to.
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