HubConnect 1.5x, 1.6x to 2.0 Upgrade Instructions

HubConnect 2.0

Upgrade Instructions



Multi-Platform, Real-Time Device Intercommunication



Minimum System Requirements:


  • 1 Hubitat Hub (Coordinator).
          - AND -
  • 1 Hubitat Hub (Remote)
          - OR -
  • 1 SmartThings Hub (Remote)



Please note that the HubConnect apps are not released under any open-source license. Please be sure to read the license agreement before installing. 



Perform the following steps in the exact order they appear.  Before upgrading HubConnect please be sure to download a current backup of ALL hubs in which HubConnect is installed. This will ensure that you have a reliable recovery strategy.  


Upgrade HubConnect Remote Client code. (Hubitat).... 


Perform this step on all hubs in which the HubConnect Remote Client is installed. 


  • Update the HubConnect Remote Client (remote) app:
    1. In the left menu, click Apps Code, then select the HubConnect Remote Client app. 
    2. Visit the and copy the import URL for the HubConnect Remote Client.
    3. Click Import located near the top-right of the page.
    4. Paste the URL that was copied in step 2.
    5. Click Import
    6. Click Save.
    7. Repeat for all other hubs.
  • Update the HubConnect Remote Hub driver:
    1. In the left menu, click Drivers Code, then select the HubConnect Remote Hub driver.
    2. Visit the and copy the import URL for the Remote Hub driver.
    3. Click Import located near the top-right of the page.
    4. Paste the URL that was copied in step 2.
    5. Click Import
    6. Click Save.
    7. Repeat for all other hubs.
  • Required; update all drivers:

    All of the drivers have been upgraded with HubConnect 2.0.  Follow the steps outlined in section #2 “Update the HubConnect Remote Hub driver” above.

    All of the drivers can be found in the download section at




Once the remote hub apps and drivers have been upgraded, proceed to upgrade the server hub. 



Upgrade HubConnect Server code. (Hubitat)...

  1. Update the HubConnect Server Instance app:
    1. In the left menu, click Apps Code, then select the HubConnect Server Instance app. 
    2. Visit the and copy the import URL for the HubConnect Server Instance.
    3. Click Import located near the top-right of the page.
    4. Paste the URL that was copied in step 2.
    5. Click Import
    6. Click Save.
  2. Update the HubConnect Server for Hubitat app:
    1. In the left menu, click Apps Code, then select the HubConnect Server for Hubitat app. 
    2. Visit the and copy the import URL for the HubConnect Server for Hubitat.
    3. Click Import located near the top-right of the page.
    4. Paste the URL that was copied in step 2.
    5. Click Import
    6. Click oAuth
    7. Click Update in the dialog window.
    8. Click Save.
  3. Install the HubConnect Remote Hub driver:
    1. In the left menu, click Drivers Code, then select the HubConnect Remote Hub driver.
    2. Visit the and copy the import URL for the Remote Hub driver.
    3. Click Import located near the top-right of the page.
    4. Paste the URL that was copied in step 2.
    5. Click Import
    6. Click Save.


  1. Required; update all drivers:

    All of the drivers have been upgraded with HubConnect 2.0.  Follow the steps outlined in section #2 “Update the HubConnect Remote Hub driver” above.

    All of the drivers can be found in the download section at

Upgrade HubConnect Remote Client code. (SmartThings)...


  1. Update the HubConnect Remote Client for SmartThings (remote) app:
    1. Log into the SmartThings IDE, then select the HubConnect Server Instance app. 
    2. Visit the and download the HubConnect Remote Client for SmartThings.
    3. Open the code into an editor of your choice, then select all and copy the text.
    4. Paste the text into the SmartThings IDE, overwriting any code that is already present.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Click Publish.
  2. Required; update all drivers:

    All of the drivers have been upgraded with HubConnect 2.0.  Follow the steps outlined in section #2 “Update the HubConnect Remote Hub driver” above.

    All of the drivers can be found in the download section at

    Not all Device Types are currently supported in SmartThings with the tiles UI.  For those that do not appear in the SmartThings driver list, use the drivers located in the Universal Drivers download section instead.  These will not have a user interface, but they will work for automations.



Once all of the HubConnect Server and Remote Client code has been imported on all of the hubs, move on to updating the server app on the Server Hub.


Install the Upgrade 


  1. On the Server hub, go to the Apps tab.
  2. Select HubConnect Server for Hubitat
  3. HubConnect will alert that an upgrade has been installed. Click Done when prompted to do so.  HubConnect will trigger all connected hubs to process the updated code.
  4. If no errors are reported, the upgrade was successful.
  5. If using the Hubitat websocket, please check to see that all of the Remote Hub Devices are showing a connected status.
  6. Enjoy using HubConnect! 




  • v2beta
  • 14125 Utilisateurs l'ont trouvée utile
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